UNCSW 69 Virtual Parallel Event hosted by BPW-Japan

From "No Means No" to "Yes Means Yes," sexual consent has become significant to fostering a culture of respect. In western societies, many universities provide consent education, and legal frameworks.
increasingly define rape based on the absence of consent. In 2023, Japan revised its rape law to recognize consent, however sexual consent remains far from normalized within society. This event unites youth activists from different countries to discuss how young people can drive societal change and promote a culture of consent. Join us for engaging presentations, discussions, and fresh perspectives on building a society that says no to sexual violence.
Date/Time: March 12, 2025 8:30-10:00 (EDT)
Venue: Zoom (Online)
Theme: Sexual Consent as Culture: Youth Leading Change
Registration: Google Form
Flyer: Click Here (PDF/382KB)
Quarterly Activity Reports 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 2024 (PDF/322KB)
Quarterly Activity Reports 2024

Quarterly Activity Report 2024 (PDF/452KB)
Opinions and Suggestions for CSW68 Zero Draft
On February 12, 2024, BPW Japan submitted 3 opinions and 13 suggestions to MOFA (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs) via JAWW (Japan Women's Watch).
For example,
1. [Zero Draft] Para 4 notes that "It recognizes that women and girls play a vital role as agents of change for sustainable development." However it seemed weak, so we suggested that the statement include the concept of "agency" which means agents' capability to make the society better and for themselves to serve as agents for social transformation. This idea was learned through the preparation for our CSW68 parallel event, entitled "Economic Challenges for Single-parenting Mothers and their Children in Japan."
→AC 31 It acknowledges that the higher likelihood of career interruptions, part-time employment, lower earnings,concentration in the informal sector and more time spent on unpaid care and domestic work, which limits women's agency to decide how to spend their time, results in women having fewer assets, savings and social protection benefits, such as pension, health insurance or paid sick leave.
→AC (u) Accelerate efforts and provide adequate resources to promote the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in all decision-making bodies at all levels of government, including by eliminating gender stereotyping in appointments and promotions, building women's capacity as agents of change and empowering them to participate actively and equally in the design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of national sustainable development, poverty eradication and other relevant policies, strategies and programmes;
2. [Zero Draft] Para 10 mentions women's right to work and rights at work and para 23 (f) refers to equal pay for equal work or work of equal value and equal opportunities, but it needs more seemingly. Therefore, we suggested that the statement specify equal pay for work of equal value, referring to CSW61's Agreed Conclusion, and also specify equal opportunity in recruitment and promotion.
→AC (w) Promote labour and employment policies that respect relevant international labour standards and ensure women's economic autonomy, independence and empowerment, including by enhancing their full and productive employment, promoting an adequate minimum wage, statutory or negotiated, and equal pay for work of equal value, supporting the transition from informal to formal work in all sectors by promoting occupational safety and health protection to workers, including in the informal economy, and facilitating the recruitment, promotion and retention of women in all sectors, including sustainable energy, fisheries, forestry, agriculture and tourism, including through temporary special measures, policies on care work, in addition to universal social protection policies and quality and affordable childcare and parental and other leave, care services for older persons and persons with disabilities, and the promotion of work-life and work-family balance, and the right to organize and bargain collectively, as a means to eradicate the persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women;
→AC (x) Protect and promote the right of all women to work and their rights at work and equal treatment in the workplace, including equal access to decent work, equal pay for work of equal value and productive and financial resources, by, inter alia, eliminating occupational segregation, negative social norms and gender stereotypes, violence and sexual harassment, discriminatory practices in career advancement, addressing structural barriers and protecting women against abuse and discrimination, including during pregnancy and maternity, in order to advance gender equality;
CSW68 Interns' Parallel Event !!

Date/Time: March 14, 2024 8:30-9:30am (EDT)
Venue: In-person / Zoom
Theme: How to make actions for gender mainstreaming in entrepreneurship
Hosted by BPW Japan CSW67 Interns
Registration: https://forms.gle/mDAjYxyiaoLoQcfE6
Single mothers are one of the most economically marginalized people in the world. Japan is no exception, with many single-parenting mothers left in poverty, with limited access to decent work. While the Government of Japan provides financial support and NGOs do aid these mothers at the grassroots level, further institutional assistance is required, as the COVID pandemic laid bare. This event provides a lecture from an expert in this area in Japan. Then participants will discuss the topic and consider means to have an inclusive society for single mothers in poverty, not only in Japan but also on a global level.
Flyer: 396KB/PDF
The Transcript of a Speech:"Supporting Single Parents; Especially Women" 704KB/PDF
Quarterly Activity Reports 2023

2023 Q4 Activity Report (PDF/1.05MB)
Quarterly Activity Reports 2023

2023 Q3 Activity Report (PDF/1.14MB)
UN ECOSOC Special Consultative Status granted! [as of July 25, 2023]
On July 25, 2023, BPW Japan was granted Special Consultative Status of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). The status has conferred the following privileges and benefits on us:
- Entitlement to designate our official representatives to the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the United Nations Offices at Geneva and Vienna;
- Registration for and participation in sessions, events, conferences and activities of the United Nations, as well as observation at public meetings of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, the Human Rights Council and, under certain conditions, the General Assembly and other United Nations intergovernmental bodies;
- Submission of written statements relevant to the work of ECOSOC on subjects in which we have a special competence;
- Oral presentations at ECOSOC, if recommended by the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations;
- Consultations with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, if we request;
- Use of United Nations facilities such as accommodation for conferences or smaller meetings, United Nations libraries, and United Nations press documentation services.
Quarterly Activity Report 2023 (Q3)
2023 Q2 Activity Report (PDF/1.5MB)
Quarterly Activity Reports 2023 (PDF/1.55MB)
Quarterly Activity Reports 2023

2023 Q3 Activity Report (PDF/1.14MB)
CSW67 Interns' Parallel Event !!

Date/Time: March 9, 2023 8:00-9:30(EST)
Venue: Zoom
Theme: How to make actions for gender mainstreaming in entrepreneurship
Hosted by BPW Japan CSW67 Interns
Registration: https://ngocsw67forum.events.whova.com/Agenda/2885734
The concept of gender mainstreaming was raised in Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, about 30 years ago. However, it has been difficult for many organizations and government agencies to put this strategy into practice, at least in Japan. This event will show how to apply this strategy to actual practices by overviewing women’s entrepreneurship and the way of supporting it’s starts-up in Japan as examples. We will provide the platform for all participants to exchange their experiences, views, and information on the actual situation in each country in a small-group discussion format.
Flyer: 1.42MB/PDF
Quarterly Activity Reports 2021 to 2022
2021-4 (PDF/778KB)
2022-1 (PDF/424KB)
2022-2 (PDF/370KB)
2022-3 (PDF/597KB)
2022-4 (PDF/440KB)
Petition to President Biden
BPW Japan, agreeing with a protest against racism made by Ms. Atsuko Toko Fish, sent letters to President Joe Biden of U. S. A., the American Embassy, and Prime.
Minister Yoshihide Suga of Japan to commit to especially racial discriminations and put the issue on the table at the coming Japan-U.S. summit at the time of expansion of Anti-Asian hate crime in the U.S.A. and upcoming Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games with "Diversity and Inclusion" as an important theme.
Petition to President Biden(248KB/PDF)